Use of technological applications for teaching and learning English language during the pandemic.



Liveworksheets, English learning, pandemic, communicative competencies


New information and communication technologies began to be used more frequently in the learning of English in the last three years, with the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic, its use intensified during the development, practice, and feedback of virtual classes. The objective of the present work consisted of evaluating the use of the technological application Liveworksheets to favor English language skills in the students of the Second High School of the "Amazonas" Educational Unit of the Chone canton. The information was obtained from 23 students and 6 English teachers. This is a qualitative research participatory research type. Surveys and interviews were applied to teachers and students and an exhaustive review of the literature was made where it was obtained as a result that there is still a lack of knowledge about the use of technological applications for language learning and that the Liveworksheets application was the most used in the Amazonas educational institution, which encouraged the motivation of teachers and students. It is concluded that the Live worksheets application favors the process of teaching and learning English despite the limitations such as the lack of preparation of teachers in the use of technology and it is recommended to continue using this platform as support material given the advantages it offers to teachers and students.


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How to Cite

Cedeño Montalván, S. J., Mendoza Santana, S. J., & Macias Sera, R. (2023). Use of technological applications for teaching and learning English language during the pandemic. ULEAM Bahía Magazine (UBM) E-ISSN 2600-6006, 4(7), 265–304. Retrieved from