ULEAM - Extensión Sucre - Bahía de Caráquez
e-ISSN 2600-6006, enero - julio 2024, Vol. 5 - Núm 8
ding to the pace and style in which they learn, to know their
weaknesses and strengths, and to obtain eective learning
since each student or person learns dierently.
The handing of course materials is an important issue of per-
sonalized learning. Moreover, designing a well-designed,
eective, adaptive e-learning system represents a challenge
due to complication of adapting to the dierent needs of lear-
ners (Alshammari, 2016)
Several challenges have to be faced according to the good
use of the increase in technology in learning, since for some
this use is not known but, with the implementation of good
materials and thus achieve personalized learning.
Regardless of using e-learning claims that shifting to adapti-
ve e-learning environments to be able to reinforce students’
engagement. However, a learning environment cannot be
considered adaptive if it is not exible enough to accommo-
date students’ learning styles. (Ennouamani, S., & Mahani,
Z., 2017)
With the good use of the tech tools, active participation on
the part of the students can be achieved, considering that the
activities must be exible for everyone and must be adapted
to the rhythm and style of each student in order to obtain fa-
vorable results.
It is important to clarify the distinction between causal factors
such as learning environment and outcome factors such as
achievement. Accordingly, student engagement is an impor-
tant research topic because it aects a student’s nal grade,
and course dropout rate (Staikopoulos, A., Keee, I., Yousuf,
B. et al., 2015)
It is of the utmost importance to maintain the active participa-
tion of the students in a pleasant learning environment since
this way we will know if they are interested in learning or if
they are learning.
In order to eectively use emerging digital educational tech-
nologies educators should reect on how these technologies
inuence student learning, including student creativity.
The purpose of our systematic review was to identify and
synthesize articles in the eld of creativity and education con-
cerning the use of emerging digital educational technologies
and systems (Yalcinalp & Avcı., 2019).
Tech tools have their pros and cons depending on the use that
is given to them, which is why the teacher before using them
must carry out a study on how they inuence student learning
and if it awakens creativity in them.Nonverbal immediacy be-
haviors are under researched in the online teaching environ-
ment. Using social presence theory as a guiding framework,
this study explores several online nonverbal immediacy beha-
viors: emoticons/gurative language, color, cohesion, visual
imagery, and audio in course design; response latency, length,
time of day, and message frequency in forums; and type and
promptness of feedback via grading and email. (Rogers-Sta-
cy, C., Weister, T., & Lauer, S., 2017)
There are various forms of communication, in the virtual sce-
narios the use of emoticons was highlighted expressing the
emotions of the students, using text messages and emails to
communicate and some simply stopped communicating for
fear of participating, and in this way the communication is He
gave up, which does not happen in the face-to-face scenarios.
Technological change is altering the way educators deliver
subject matter content. The growth and widespread accep-
tance of the Internet has resulted in the creation of Virtual
Learning Environments (VLEs) in teaching at any educatio-
nal level. (Urdiales, 2020)
As a result of the Covid 19, which caused the classes to be
virtual, education had to adapt to virtual environments and
especially teachers to create and develop technological adap-
tations to teach the class and that education did not stop,
therefore the virtual environment had benets but it also had
consequences for those students who failed to learn much in
that virtual educational environment.
This virtual educational model requires the application of
new methodologies and techniques to motivate students in
their intellectual self-enrichment, in the self-discipline of
study in order to develop intellectual abilities and skills that
allow them to perform as integral professionals contributing
signicantly to the progress of their community. (Pérez, C.,
Suárez, R., Rosillo, N., 2018)
Modern technological applications are motivating from the
moment that students use them because now in the current
time all students dominate technology and that is what they
like, they demonize cell phones, laptops, and most of the apps
or web that are easily accessible for students.
Learning styles which refer to students’ preferred ways to
learn can play an important role in adaptive e-learning sys-
tems. With the knowledge of dierent styles, the system can
oer valuable advice and instructions to students and teachers
to optimize students’ learning process. Moreover, e-learning
system which allows computerized and statistical algorithms
opens the opportunity to overcome drawbacks of the traditio-
nal detection method that uses questionnaires. (Truong, 2016)
The traditional method is now past, with the implementation
of new technologies adapted to the learning styles of each
student where they learn positively in the way that interests
and likes them.
Restrictions on physical gathering due to COVID-19 has
compelled higher education institutions to rapidly embrace
digital technologies to support teaching and learning. While
logistically, the use of digital technologies oers an obvious
solution, attention must be given to these methods’ pedago-
gical appropriateness, mainly how students engage and learn
in the spaces supported by these technologies. In this context,
we explored the degree to which digital technologies have
contributed to teaching and learning practices over the past
decade. (Nkomo, L. M., Daniel, B. K., & Butson, R. J., 2021)
It is important to keep track of the student when he recei-
ves virtual classes because students learn in dierent ways
and when they learn kinesthetically, they usually fall asleep