julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
Use of technological applications for teaching and learning English
language during the pandemic.
Uso de aplicaciones tecnológicas para la enseñanza aprendizaje del
inglés durante pandemia.
Steven Jesús Cedeño Montalván
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0522-9739 - stecdn@gmail.com
Selena Jamileth Mendoza Santana
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1372-7949 - jamilethmendozasantana@gmail.com
Raisa Macias Sera
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9618-2854 - raisamacias15@gmail.com
Universidad Laica “Eloy Alfaro” de Manabí - Extensión Chone.
Recibido: 19-01-2023 Revisado: 15/03/2023 - Publicado: 29/07/2023
New information and communication
technologies began to be used more
frequently in the learning of English in the
last three years, with the arrival of the
Covid-19 pandemic, its use intensified
during the development, practice, and
feedback of virtual classes. The objective of
the present work consisted of evaluating the
use of the technological application
Liveworksheets to favor English language
skills in the students of the Second High
School of the "Amazonas" Educational Unit
of the Chone canton. The information was
obtained from 23 students and 6 English
teachers. This is a qualitative research
participatory research type. Surveys and
interviews were applied to teachers and
students and an exhaustive review of the
literature was made where it was obtained
as a result that there is still a lack of
knowledge about the use of technological
applications for language learning and that
the Liveworksheets application was the
most used in the Amazonas educational
institution, which encouraged the
motivation of teachers and students. It is
concluded that the Live worksheets
application favors the process of teaching
and learning English despite the limitations
such as the lack of preparation of teachers in
the use of technology and it is
recommended to continue using this
platform as support material given the
advantages it offers to teachers and students.
Keywords: Liveworksheets; English
learning; pandemic; communicative
Las nuevas tecnologías de información y
comunicación comenzaron a usarse con
mayor frecuencia en el aprendizaje del
inglés en los últimos tres años, con la
llegada la pandemia del Covid-19, su uso
se intensificó durante el desarrollo,
práctica y retroalimentación de las
clases virtuales. El objetivo del presente
trabajo consistió en valorar el uso de la
aplicación tecnológica Liveworksheets
para favorecer las habilidades del
idioma inglés en los estudiantes del
Segundo de Bachillerato de la Unidad
Educativa “Amazonas” del cantón
Chone. La información se obtuvo a partir
de una muestra de 23 estudiantes y 6
docentes del área de inglés. Esta
investigación es cualitativa de tipo de
investigación participativa. Se aplicaron
encuestas y entrevistas a los docentes y
estudiantes y se hizo una revisión
exhaustiva de la literatura donde se
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
obtuvo como resultado que existe aún
desconocimiento acerca del uso de
aplicativos tecnológicos para el
aprendizaje de idiomas y que la
aplicación Liveworksheets fue la más
utilizada en la institucione educativa
Amazonas, la misma incentivó la
motivación de docentes y estudiante. Se
concluye que la aplicación
Liveworksheets favorece el proceso de
enseñanza aprendizaje del idioma inglés
a pesar de las limitaciones como la falta
de preparación de los docentes en el uso
de la tecnología y se recomienda seguir
utilizando esta plataforma como material
de apoyo dada las ventajas que ofrece a
docentes y estudiantes.
Palabras clave: Liveworksheets;
aprendizaje del inglés; pandemia;
competencias comunicativas.
The learning of foreign languages is nowadays a necessity of the first order. As a result
of Globalization, trade, and mobility of citizens to and from different points of the planet,
has grown and English has been the most widely used language at the international level;
therefore, it has become essential to seek methodologies, strategies, techniques and
technological tools for the development of communicative language skills.
Moreira-Aguayo and Venegas-Loor (2020) and other authors share the idea that
communicative competencies are characterized as a person's ability to communicate
successfully in real-life situations that fall within the domain of foreign language
teaching, such as English. Communication is an important factor to develop because that
is the achievement of learning a language and interacting with speakers of the other
Within this order of ideas, communicative competencies, as previously mentioned, are
the ability of a person to develop suitably and efficiently within a certain speech
community where they share the same language and its standard. In this sense, different
communicative competencies are mentioned such as: grammatical, psycholinguistic,
sociocultural, probabilistic, strategic, and discursive. All these competencies are based on
the communicative approach; authors such as Gooding de Palacios (2020) state that the
communicative approach deploys many types of activities: interactive, motivating,
projected in the development of communicative functions, playful to release tensions, get
out of the routine and worries, making entertaining, fun classes, etc.
In this sense, for the development of classes taking the communicative approach as a
premise, the implementation of technological applications as a support for
systematization and interactive learning, even outside the classroom, is appropriate.
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
Nowadays several resources and applications motivate and allow students to learn a
foreign language in their own time and style.
Brovetto (2011) argues that technologies provide new forms of interaction and joint work
in a face-to-face, synchronous or asynchronous manner. They can establish
communication and development activities in English in interaction with native speakers
or with their schoolmates, which is why they have a leading role in the various academic
scenarios and have contributed to improving the level of linguistic competence of
According to Serrano (2016) (as cited in Torres & Cobo, 2017) indicates that educational
technology (ET) is a discipline in charge of the study of media, documents, web portals,
and technological platforms for the learning process; where domains are resources
applied for training and instructional purposes, designed initially to meet the needs and
concerns of users.
Historically, the 1940s as indicated by Munroe (1941) (as cited in Torres & Cobo, 2017)
initiated the incursion of technology as changes in behavior resulting from the school
application of materials such as silent or sound film; school period; still images, which
can be viewed live or projected as slides, movies, etc.; equipment; and sheets, maps, and
graphs. It was at this time that technology began to be part of education through different
materials, techniques, and methods, where its objective was to relate new technologies to
education to obtain new and better learning results.
Nowadays the world is exposed to many changes that bring with them great positive and
negative consequences in different aspects of life. Recently during the Covid-19
pandemic, several alterations arose in a society where daily activities such as
communication, work, education, and others were forced to be virtual; for this reason,
education assumes virtuality as a fundamental means in the teaching-learning process
such as the organization of activities and tasks, the acquisition of skills and knowledge,
evaluation methods, class dynamics or inter-institutional relations.
According to Diario El Universo (2022) (as cited in Arteaga-Flores et al., 2021).
"In Ecuador only at the level of basic general education of fiscal colleges and
schools, there are 3 million students enrolled in 150 thousand teaching centers, of
which, 2 million have the possibility of connectivity; while 1 million do not have
access to it, in addition to not having adequate digital devices for the teaching-
learning process".
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
When virtual education was introduced in Ecuador, the lack of technological resources or
their incomplete existence was the result of many gaps in the students because the
insufficient interaction with technological resources did not allow the study in virtual
mode to be received appropriately.
During the confinement, technology became the first tool for the delivery of classes,
having a high usage. As Bozkurt and Sharma (2020) argue, the educational system was
unfit for external imminences such as Covid-19. In effect to the global education crisis,
online remote teaching was implemented, which was a learning process that involved
several factors where students were provided not only with appropriate content but also
with accountability and flexibility, which demands careful planning, design, and goal
setting to create meaningful learning.
Therefore, educators had to look for new ways to bring knowledge to their students
through strategies, didactic materials, and technological resources that before the
pandemic was not used optimally.
In Ecuador, the learning of English during the confinement period was not alien to the
way it was approached in other latitudes. As in other countries in the region, there were
several problems. Starting with the difficult access to the internet and technological
equipment to connect to online classes, the limited experience in the mastery of ICTs, and
the decrease in the development of foreign language proficiency in students (Córdova et
al., 2022).
Before the completion of this work, we participated in the pre-professional internship
project of the Universidad Laica "Eloy Alfaro" of Manabí - Chone extension of the
National and Foreign Languages Pedagogy career at the "Amazonas" High School. This
was a fundamental experience in the formation of future teachers, especially at a time
when changes were made in the methodology of teaching English as a result of the
international pandemic situation.
About the experience lived in the "Amazonas" High School where the pre-professional
practices were carried out, the authors of this work wanted to deepen the topic related to
the technological applications used for the learning of English, through the development
of the practices it was evidenced that the students and teachers did not make adequate use
of the technological applications during the classes, for such reason the interest for the
learning of the language with the use of the technology was low.
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
Motivated by the experience, a diagnosis was made to the students and teachers of the
institution, various instruments were applied through which English language skills were
put into practice using various technological applications and as a result, it was evidenced
that students had insufficiencies in the development of oral and written communication
skills and that the most used platform was Liveworksheets. Therefore, motivated by the
use of tics during the pandemic stage and to favor the learning process in high school, a
scientific question was posed: Can the use of technological applications favor the
teaching-learning process of the English language?
The objective was established as follows: "to evaluate the results obtained with the use of
the technological application Liveworksheets in the teaching-learning process of the
English language to favor language skills", the following scientific tasks were established
among which are: To study the main theoretical and methodological aspects of the
research, to determine the current state of the preparation of teachers and students, to
evaluate the use of the technological platforms used in the teaching-learning process
during the COVID 19 pandemic, to elaborate the pertinent recommendations to improve
the use of these technologies and to expose the experiences systematized in this work
about the use of the technological application Liveworksheets as a novel tool in the
teaching of the English language.
This research benefits teachers and students by highlighting the benefits and offering
recommendations for the use of the Liveworksheets application in the learning of English
in a didactic and even fun way. Likewise, interest in the optimal use of technology in
education is encouraged.
This research is qualitative, the concept of the qualitative method is supported by Taylor
and Bogdan (1986) (as cited in Herrera, n.d. ) indicates that "it is the one that produces
descriptive data: people's own words, spoken or written, and observable behavior", in this
research it is used because through this method the different scenarios in which the
instruments were applied to 23 students and 6 teachers of the subject of English were
analyzed, information was subtracted from the sources consulted to determine the
problem, analyze it and reflect on the topic addressed.
Due to the above-mentioned, this research is important because it provides teachers and
students with necessary information about the use of technological applications in the
process of learning English in the virtual modality, highlighting the Liveworksheets
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
application as an alternative tool for the teaching and acquisition of knowledge during the
classes together with the development of the communicative skills of the language.
The hypothesis: The use of the technological application Liveworksheets, due to its
characteristics and correctly used after preparation of teachers, students, and a minimum
of technological resources, can favor the development of communicative skills in the
English language.
Literature Review
For the adequate development of a language, linguistic competencies play a very
important role within it. Thus, as Cisneros (2009) indicates, communicative competencies
are how people can establish a relationship with other people in a given environment.
These skills begin to be acquired through the relationship of the person with the different
scenarios of the environment of the other language to be learned such as family, school,
and society in general.
Linguistic competencies must be developed under an approach; therefore, it is considered
the concept of Gooding de Palacios (2020) that the communicative approach has several
objectives, techniques, and ludic activities for language learning. In the same way,
Zambrano and Alirio (2001) expose:
The communicative approach is based on five primary objectives: 1) to provide
support to students in the management of the communicative competencies of the
foreign language; 2) to facilitate the use of the foreign language in everyday
actions to express diverse personal and intrapersonal information; 3) to provide
adequate feedback and correction of errors according to the needs that arise; 4) to
promote the learning of the foreign language not only for educational purposes
but for foreign language linguistic purposes; 5) to enliven the exploration of
different teaching methods and techniques that strengthen communicative skills
in function and meaningfulness.
Supporting the above notions, Serrano (2016) (as cited in Torres & Cobo, 2017) states
that it is possible to implement technology in education based on the communicative
approach. Therefore, Cabrero (2003) mentions that educational technology can be
conceptualized as "an integrating, living, contradictory and significant discipline of
education" furthermore it is considered that currently, it has become a necessity to
incorporate technology in education, due to so many changes and risks that society goes
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
through, education has been forced to have a preparation for possible virtual classes,
where technology and its branches play the fundamental role.
Based on Solér (2008) indicates that information technologies play an important role in
education for teachers, students, and family that is also part of education, the personal use
of having access to information to solve various problems raised in their educational
process and turn acquire adequate knowledge about the different topics that are taught in
the classroom. Including technology in education generates great results in the teaching
and learning process of students, besides being a more dynamic and appealing way for
them to work.
Brovetto's theory, (2011), indicated that technology provides new forms of interaction
between people and facilitates different ways of working in a face-to-face or virtual way,
in turn, the use of technology can develop education. Currently, technology is present in
most academic scenarios, and its use has allowed education to be more active and efficient
for those who make use of it.
Based on statistical data from INEC (2019) (as cited in Oviedo, 2021) 37% of families
have Internet access and only 9.1% of rural families. Of the 37% mentioned above, 24%
have a computer, and families in the countryside only 8%. Emphasizing the ideas of
Brítez (2020) (as cited in Cedeño-Solorzano et al., 2021) the way of teaching in Ecuador
during the pandemic left owing much, because teachers were deficient in the management
of the platforms, the collapse of the same, parents and most students lacked knowledge
about the mastery of computers.
Valdivieso and Gonzales (2016) (as cited in Mendoza-Bozada, 2020) state, Ecuador lacks
the budget to invest in technology in education, and with every day that passes the
situation is worse. Science and technology are meaningless in development, especially
when the contribution of scientific research is needed to make innovation more productive
and competitive.
Namely, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) (2020) (as cited in López
et al., 2022) state that "at the initial, basic and high school education levels, it has been
estimated that the loss of learning is 40%; that is, students are learning a maximum of
60% of what they would have learned if they were in face-to-face classes".
Due to the above, the difficulties and growth of technology, nowadays several interactive
pages and technological applications are used in the classroom for the development of the
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
same, teachers make use of them to maintain a more dynamic and participatory class. A
clear example of this is the Liveworksheets application (2022), which indicates that it is
a page that allows transforming traditional worksheets into worksheets with self-
correcting exercises, also called interactive worksheets. In turn, it allows students to
complete the worksheets online and send the answers to the teacher, which is considered
good for the students because it sounds motivating, for the teacher because it saves
correction time, and for the environment because it saves paper.
These cards take advantage of new technologies applied to education since they can
include sounds, images, videos, drag and drop exercises, join with lines, multiple choice,
and audio recording, among others, all these features that fully help the development of
communicative language skills.
According to Garzón (2020) who indicates that through the game the learner's skills can
be perfected through playful activities that are performed unconsciously, indicates that
the game is the greatest motivator in the process of teaching and learning the English
language and in turn mentions that the virtual platform Liveworksheets and its
implementation helps dynamically and entertainingly, for this reason, the valuable role of
the virtual platform is emphasized by combining these two elements such as the game
and teaching so that learners get great learning.
Franco and Garcia (2019) indicate that the Liveworksheets virtual learning environment
has a positive impact on learners by providing additional practice to improve the four
skills associated with learning English such as listening, speaking, and writing.
Liveworksheets are a technological application that not only helps to reinforce the
knowledge acquired in class but also greatly aids in the development of communicative
language skills.
Along the same line Mora (2022) mentions that the Liveworksheets application is widely
used because it consists of a digital space that can be used online and offline, it contains
a series of self-modifying interactive worksheets with various exercises, where students
after completing them can send them to their teachers to proceed to be graded
automatically, the platform allows listening, writing and interacting through the exercises
to motivate students.
Based on the experience of Machado and Orozco (2021) the use of new technologies
enriches and innovates the educational learning environment in an interdisciplinary way,
and as an improvement strategy can be used in different fields, it favors learning in all
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
areas of knowledge including languages. Nowadays, different areas of knowledge can be
developed effectively and productively through technology and the different elements
that it facilitates.
Patiño-Quizhpi et al. (2020) point out that the main advantage of Liveworksheets is to
transform the traditional spreadsheet pdf, jpg, doc, etc. into interactive pages of self-
correction, including multimedia such as video, audio, and images. Among other things,
it is a free platform that teachers can use to send assignments to students. On the other
hand, the only disadvantage identified is that each account has a limit of one hundred
students, so teachers must create other accounts to work with all their students or pay
premium subscriptions to increase the number of students in the same account.
Materials and methods
During the pre-professional practices and the contact with the students in a virtual way,
some questions about ICTs and language learning arose, which motivated us to study and
deepen the subject, and consequently to carry out this research using several types of field
instruments. This research is qualitative because it details descriptively the information
collected through instruments such as interviews, observation sheets, and surveys.
In correspondence with the above, it can be said that the qualitative method, through its
instruments, allows the researcher to participate in the research together with the object
and subjects of study. Therefore, the qualitative level of this research was action-
participatory since it made known the problem that arose in the place of study and in turn
acted by analyzing and proposing improvements to transform the reality where the
research was carried out.
Therefore, the population consisted of 200 students in the first year of high school at the
Educational Institution “Amazonas” of Chone, from which a group of 23 students was
taken as an intentional sample, for the application of surveys and observation sheets since
they were the students with whom we worked in virtual classes during the COVID 19
pandemic. Of equal importance, 6 teachers of the English area were obtained as a
population for the application of the interview and survey, of which 6 teachers were taken
as a sample for the interview and to know how they used the technological applications
and what was the effect that the use of these had on the students since they taught classes
at the level of students that inspired to carry out this scientific work, and the 6 teachers
were part of the survey conducted.
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
It should be noted that, during the research, several technological platforms and
applications were used that helped in the student's English language learning process,
among which were: WhatsApp, YouTube, PowerPoint, Zoom, and Liveworksheets.
However, at the end of it, a comparative analysis was made between the mentioned
applications, where it was deduced that although the other applications contributed to the
educational process of the students, the Liveworksheets application allowed
strengthening the skills together, that is, in the same application to develop all the
language skills progressively.
In the present research, a review of the literature of the last decade was carried out, which
was of great importance in allowing the authors to analyze the various ways in which
language learning has been approached with the use of technologies, specifically with the
use of the technological application Liveworksheets, where several authors mentioned
that it is of great help in the process of teaching and learning English for teachers and
high school students due to great support for the practice of the knowledge previously
taught during the virtual classes in pandemic time.
Figure 1. Student Survey
In the survey applied to 23 students of the Second Parallel High School "G" of the
"Amazonas" Educational Unit about the use of technological applications, specifically
Liveworksheets in virtual classes during the Covid-19 pandemic, 80% of the students
Very sastified Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatified
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
indicated that they were satisfied with the teaching-learning process during the pandemic
and worked with this modality despite the various difficulties and inconveniences that
arose, such as access to connectivity and technological applications.
Regarding the interaction that the students felt they had, 70% of the students indicated
that it was satisfactory while the other 30% did not feel comfortable with the interaction
among classmates and with their teachers since communication in virtual classes was to
some extent limited and complex.
Using technological applications for developing English classes was to their liking
because it was a new learning environment where, despite the social distance, they could
be in contact with their teachers and classmates. Regarding the use of the Liveworksheets
application in virtual English classes, they mentioned that they used it in 80% of the types
and felt motivated by its use.
With the above mentioned, the students consider that the learning acquired during the
virtual classes was positive with the technological applications. They mentioned that the
technological applications mostly used were WhatsApp, Zoom, YouTube, and Live
worksheets. Seventy-five percent of the students in consider that the English language
can be learned using technological applications and that they are interested in using these
technological tools in the face-to-face modality.
Figure 2. Teacher Survey
In the survey applied to 6 teachers of the English area of the "Amazonas" High School
regarding the use of technological applications, specifically Liveworksheets in virtual
classes during the Covid-19 pandemic, 70% of the teachers indicated that the teaching-
process in class
access and
ease of entry
to applications
preparation on
of English
Very sastified Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Dissatified
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
learning process during the pandemic was satisfactory, despite the various difficulties and
inconveniences that arose, such as access to connectivity and technological applications,
and the other 30% were not very satisfied with the work modality.
Concerning the satisfaction of working with the technological applications, 25% of the
teachers indicated that they were very satisfied, while 75% indicated that they were
satisfied with working with the technological applications during the virtual classes, both
favorable and positive results. In turn, 10% of the teachers indicated that they were very
satisfied with the accessibility with which they were able to access and make use of the
different technological applications, and the other 90% were satisfied, both results agreed
that it was easy to access and make use of the applications.
According to the teachers' training for virtual teaching with different applications that can
be used, 50% strongly agree with this decision, 25% agree and the other 25% slightly
agree with this statement, the teachers believe that for better teaching of classes virtually
it is important to have a previous preparation.
Finally, about whether teachers agree that the English language can be developed
effectively with the use of technological applications, 100% fully agree that it is possible
and are very satisfied with this statement since technological applications facilitate many
activities for the development of language skills.
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
Figure 3. Teacher Interviews
The interviews were conducted with a total of 3 high school English teachers of the
"Amazonas" Educational Unit. Once the interviews were conducted, each of the answers
obtained was analyzed, and the results showed that 100% of the educators used regular
applications to connect to classes and communicate, such as Zoom, Microsoft Teams, and
WhatsApp; 67% of them delved into the search for and implementation of technological
applications for teaching classes, the most used being Liveworksheets since it allowed
students to develop activities in line with the topics of the classes while strengthening
their communication skills and interacting with each other.
However, there was a problem that 100% of the teachers had connectivity problems with
their students; students with limited resources did not have the necessary technological
devices to receive the classes, and many of them lacked internet service, especially those
living in rural areas. But despite these difficulties, with the use of the Liveworksheets
application, students were able to practice when they had internet, without the need to be
connected to classes and from other people's devices, whether they belonged to family or
Use of technological platforms and applications in Covid-19
Most used tools or applications
Most widely used proposed technological applications
The students were motivated when using the applications to learn English
Allow applications to interact in classes
Skills enhanced with the use of applications
Se presentaron desventajas durante el uso de las apliaciones
There were disadvantages during the use of the applications
It is necessary to train teachers in the management of technology and applications
Virtual classes and the use of tools and applications favored learning
Assessment of student learning outcomes
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
99% of the teachers share the idea that training on technological applications is necessary,
so that in the future, if they were to return to virtuality, they would have the necessary
knowledge on the management of these tools, since some only knew the applications to
connect to the classes and made excessive use of them, a fact that changed when they
used other applications such as Liveworksheets to complement learning, generating the
participation of all students.
The effectiveness of the Liveworksheets application was evidenced through a
comparative study with other applications used for teaching English language learning
during the pandemic. Liveworksheets, unlike WhatsApp, YouTube, Zoom, and
PowerPoint, allow the development of practical, ludic, communicative, and reasoning
activities, as well as the use of the language through interactive worksheets that can be
developed during synchronous or asynchronous classes. With the Liveworksheets
platform, direct interaction between teachers and students is not necessary, the materials
or activities are stored on the platform and can be easily carried out after class.
As for the YouTube platform, it allows access to multimedia content (music, videos,
tutorials) that strengthen receptive language skills such as listening and reading, while the
Liveworksheets application, in addition to allowing students to study content or perform
classroom activities of the same receptive language skills, adds the practice and
development of productive skills such as oral communication and writing.
The results of the instruments applied to students and teachers on various characteristics
of the use of technological applications in virtual classes during the Covid-19 pandemic
showed that the teaching-learning process during the pandemic was moderately
satisfactory to work with this modality due to the various difficulties and inconveniences
that arose, such as access to connectivity and technological applications. The interaction
that the students and student-teachers felt they had was slightly pleasant for them since
communication in virtual classes was limited and complex to some extent. The use of
technological applications for the development of English classes was more liked by the
teachers than by the students, since the students did not feel more motivated to use them
because it was a new learning environment that they did not handle with total security,
and for that reason, they did not feel more motivated to use them.
Due to the above-mentioned, the students consider that they did not learn enough during
the virtual modality and the use of the technological applications; however, the teachers
julio diciembre 2023
Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
believe that the students reached half the level of knowledge that was intended to be
transmitted. They mentioned that the technological applications most used were
WhatsApp, Zoom, and YouTube. Regarding the use of the Liveworksheets application in
the virtual English classes, the teachers mentioned that they did use it in their classes,
with the use of this application they were able to motivate the students with the use of it.
The teachers and students consider that the English language can be learned using
technological applications and that they are interested in using these technological tools
in the face-to-face modality.
These findings are confirmed by the results obtained by Hurtado et al. (2022) within their
research 91.02% consider that student participation in virtual classes depends on
interactivity. In the observed activities, participation was determined, however, the
authorities found that teachers use permissive techniques in the interaction, but the
desired effect of the operative is not the expected". For the case of the group of the present
research 80% of the teachers indicated that the interaction in the virtual classes between
teachers and students was good, while the other 20% indicated that the interactivity was
not adequate, despite the limitations they had with the applications and technological
resources, however, for the students the level of satisfaction with the interaction they had
in the virtual classes was not adequate.
On the other hand, Zambrano-Hidalgo and Arroyo-Cobeña (2022) in their research
indicate that "observing the results achieved on the digital tool Liveworksheets, teachers
rely on the various teaching materials it provides as a resource to enhance the learning
process of students to develop language skills". In this research, 75% indicated that they
made use of the Liveworksheets tool in virtual classes to make them more dynamic and
interactive with their students; students indicated that they did use this application with
their teachers and that it was a new way to carry out class activities. Another 25% of the
teachers did not know about this digital platform or did not use it.
Several technological applications were used in the teaching-learning process in times of
pandemic. According to Castillo and Canese (2021) in their research from the analysis of
the results obtained by applications contributing to language skills, it was discovered that
many applications help English teachers and students to improve through practice. On the
part of the present research, the teachers and students who participated in it indicated that
through technological applications, it is possible to achieve an adequate acquisition of the
English language.
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Vol. 4, No. 7
e-ISSN: 2600-6006
As far as the English teaching-learning process is concerned, connectivity problems had
too much influence because most of the students did not have internet or the equipment
to connect, which delayed their training. Similarly, for Prieto and Ramírez (2020) in their
research, the lack of connectivity and technological resources hindered coverage,
prevented the desired impact, and reduced access to learning, especially for children in
remote areas.
Teacher training on the use of technological applications was another cause that limited
learning, since the lack of knowledge about the tools and their use meant that teachers did
not implement them correctly during their classes, which is why they suggested that they
should be trained to be better prepared in the future for an event similar to that caused by
the Covid-19 pandemic. The same is evident in the results of Gonzales (2020) that
teachers, even with modern computers, do not have the applications and knowledge to
adapt their methodologies to teach and develop specific topics.
The theoretical systematization carried out in the present work has allowed us to endorse
the importance of the use of technological applications in virtual classes during pandemic
times in the process of teaching and learning English.
The technological application Liveworksheets contains a variety of interactive activities
where language skills can be developed and at the same time allow the teacher to select
the most appropriate ones for his students according to the subject taught and their needs.
The use of the technological application Liveworksheets showed a positive result in the
students as it was a motivating and eye-catching application during the virtual classes,
through the realization of various activities that in turn improved language skills.
The lack of previous technological preparation for teachers and students for its use limited
its effectiveness in the teaching-learning process with the use of technological
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