Corrección de la disgrafia óptico espacial en escolares de tercer grado.
Correction of spatial optic dysgraphia in third grade schoolchildren.
Lilibet Nieves Álvarez Borboña. -
Miladis Fornaris Méndez. -
Félix Lázaro Huepp Ramos. -
Universidad de Oriente - Santiago de Cuba. Cuba.
Recibido: 16/09/2022 – Revisado: 20/10/2022 - Publicado: 29/01/2023
Palabras claves:
One of the main causes of school failure
are written language disorders known
as dyslexia and dysgraphia. The
objective of this article is to present the
results obtained with the design,
execution and evaluation of a strategy
for the correction of spatial optic
dysgraphia in third grade primary
school students. In the course of the
investigation, analysis-synthesis,
induction-deduction, modeling,
observation and interviews were used
as research methods. The applied
strategy made it possible to
significantly improve the performance
of the children's teachers in their
attention to the difficulties they
presented, which favored the majority
of them overcoming the disorder
according to the results of the speech
therapy evaluation carried out, which
confirms the validity of the strategy. of
work and the educational software
used as a means of teaching.
Keywords: Strategy, correction, special
optic dysgraphia, schoolchildren,
educational software.