investigación cuantitativa, un experimento que implica distribuir una encuesta virtual
mediante una plataforma, a los usuarios que se hospedan y sobre todo a los
colaboradores del establecimiento y de esta manera determinar aquellos problemas que
subsisten en los mismos.
Palabras clave: ético, morales, valores, estudio
The ethical and moral values for a certain position such as the governor are of great
importance because it results in how a hotel is expressing and behaving and those who
are in charge to satisfy the needs of the people who come to it and how they are applied
in technology, that is, how they maintain that ethics and morals in the discretion of
information towards the guests who come to stay in the establishment. However, many
have this non-compliance, counting several reasons which will be mentioned throughout
the study carried out. The objective of the study is to determine the absence of values on
the part of the superior managers, to this end the research question is the following: Why
does bad behavior occur in this area if it is said that the superior boss has already been
trained? Therefore, the one that influences their behavior is being evaluated by the clients
in this way they will decide whether to return or not. In this context, the values have to be
dispensable to be acts in relation to the treatment that their subordinates are given, the
research question is answered through the use of methodology, quantitative research an
experiment that involves distributing a virtual survey through a platform, to the users
who stay and especially to the collaborators of the establishment and in this way to
determine those problems that persist in them.
Keywords: ethical, moral, values, study.
El presente trabajo tratará acerca de los valores tanto éticos y su aplicación de la
tecnología en el área de gobernanta, ya que es de suma importancia en el caso de la ética
y la moral reconocer y aplicarlos en el momento del trato a sus subordinados, porque de
allí depende que los trabajadores den el buen trato que reciben y poder desenvolverse bien
en sus cargos y estos tengan una buena imagen.
Con respecto a la tecnología una gobernanta debe saber utilizarlos debido a que
actualmente se está en una era digital, en donde se emplea todo lo tecnológico para
satisfacer las necesidades de las personas, entonces en el área de gobernanta deberá
realizar sus informes, por la que además se deberá de aplicar estos valores éticos y